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Wednesday, September 22, 2010

No brown pants

I looked in my closet and found that I did not have any brown pants. I am going to a wedding this weekend and have a nice camel (that's a color) jacket and wanted to have some brown slacks to go with it. I will pop down to the store and buy some.

When I looked and looked for brown pants in my favorite store, I found none. I even asked a person in the store expecting her to say, "Oh those are in the brown pant section. Let me show you."

Instead she said, "arn't there any brown pants?"

I said, "None that I can find."

To her credit, she went with me to look. Then she said she would look on line to see if she could order me some. They have no brown pants in their system.

I left and went to another store. It was a quiet little shop with no customers but an attentative clerk. I told her that I wanted some brown pants.

She took me to the pants section but there were no brown pants. She also offered to get on line and see if she could order me some. I had not told either clerk that I was looking for pants to wear this weekend.

Almost as an after thought, she went over to a corner of the store and found a few pair of brown slacks. This is not always the answer to the search. The next thing I needed was a pair of pants in my size.

I found a pair in my size.

Forget about getting them on sale.

Now if you see someone wearing brown pants this weekend, it might be me.


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